Mummies on a Mission 2020 Vision Board Workshop

Loren Lahav: 2020 Vision Board Workshop Host
Join the workshop here!
We are so excited to be hosting an online Vision Board Workshop. We have the best in the business Loren Lahav joining us all the way from Las Vegas to share her wisdom on how Vision or Manifestation Boards have changed her life.
Loren Lahav is an international speaker, author, coach and business woman. She is an authentic leader who believes that by disrupting our normal, safe paths and be prepared to be embrace our vulnerability we become our true selves.
For 30 years, she worked with coaches and speakers behind the scenes. She listened, and listened, and listened… and eventually, she opened her mouth and found that she had a voice, too.
A big one!
Loren now leads empowering seminars all over the world. She has shared the stage with Barbara Walters, Kevin O’Leary, Gary Vaynerchuk, Erin Brockovich, Campbell Brown, Jean Chatzky, Mike Rowe and Tony Robbins. She has been featured in over 30 business publications and has been published in Success Magazine, Woman’s World, Parenting, and many more. She has also appeared on national shows like Oprah Radio and Fox News.
“Loren’s story, experience, and insight within these pages are a testament to the constant, never-ending quest to live a life of meaning, passion, joy and true authenticity. These attributes form the base of Loren’s life and her life’s work.“
Tony Robbins
Peak Performance Coach
What you will need for this FREE workshop…
What you will need:
-Glue stick/double sided tape/pins
-Pin board or poster card
-Magazine cut outs (as I like to be very SPECIFIC with my intentions and the universe, I personally prefer to search and select images online and print in colour)
Mummies on a Mission July Dinner & Movie Catch-up Event
Mummies on a Mission: Chicks at the Flicks July Dinner Catch-up
Once again, Mummies on a Mission has reunited, accompanied by a ladies’ movie night and a cozy dinner – just exactly the kind of R&R that our busy mummies are needing.
Here are the snapshots taken during the Mummies on a Mission Mummies Cocktail and Catch-up day
The theme for the month of July is MOVIES. We all need that one day to find time to watch a movie you have been meaning to watch but haven’t had the time! MOAM gives our busy mummies the best excuse to enjoy themselves and catch-up with fellow mummies.
It was a great night brought about by MOAM Social Event through Chicks at the Flicks July Dinner Catch-up. As for our Mummies on a Mission, celebration and fun times accompanied by a bit cocktail while exchanging laugh and fun with the rest of the Mummy Tribe is spectacular! ?
Mummies on a Mission June Cocktail & Catch-up Event
Mummies on a Mission: June Sip & Social Event
Once again, Mummies on a Mission has reunited, accompanied by a sip or two of their favorite cocktails along with kiddies having lots of fun.
Here are the snapshots taken during the Mummies on a Mission Mummies Cocktail and Catch-up day
The theme for the month of June is cocktail. Who won’t agree that cocktail & catch-up with little bubs playing is one of the greatest things to look forward to! This has been fulfilled by the latest MOAM Social Event through a Sip & Social mingle. As for our Mummies on a Mission, celebration and fun times accompanied by a bit cocktail while we welcomed some new Mummies to the Tribe ?
Mummies on a Mission May Mother’s Day Event
Mummies on a Mission: May Event Mummies Day Out
May is a special month for mummas as we celebrate Mother’s Day.
Here are the snapshots taken during the Mummies on a Mission Mummies Cocktail and Catch-up day
May is Mothers’ month. It’s the time of the year when we get to celebrate and love on our mums for being the special people that they are. As for our Mummies on a Mission, celebration and fun times accompanied by a bit cocktail while we welcomed some new Mummies to the Tribe ?
Mummies on a Mission April Easter Family Fun
Back in April, our Mummies on a Mission along with bubs & dads all over the globe once again have gotten together to celebrate Easter in their local areas. It was next level kind of fun playing Easter games, with fun activities! Some even had a chance to see the Easter Bunny! It was a great time to connect as mummas and kids had loads of fun!
Here are the snapshots taken during the Mummies on a Mission April Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Gold Coast REPRESENT!! We had an awesome time with Easter craft, an Egg and Spoon race and an Easter egg hunt in the woods ? Fun times had by all and we welcomed some new Mummies to the Tribe ?
What an Egg-celent day connecting with these wonderful families on the Sunshine Coast ???
North Brisbane Easter Fun Day at Newport Waterside - cute little bunnies ?
Darwin Easter Fun, nothing beats a day of mums and bubs having fun together?
Melbourne Easter family fun at Ruffey Lake Park Doncaster ?
Easter Fun in Blenheim, New Zealand ?

It’s part of our Mission to bring health and wellness to mummies all over the world that is why on our next catch-up this month, we are bringing an easter event that the whole family and everyone can be a part of.
As always, our get togethers are an opportunity for mums who haven’t joined us yet to see what life is like for a Mummy on a Mission.
If you’d like to have some fun and make new friends, we’d love to have you join us! Please check out one of our upcoming events happening all over the world!
The next MOAM Social Event is happening on Saturday/Sunday, 10th/13th/14th/19th of April 2019 to celebrate Easter. Below are the event URLs:
Mummies on a Mission Gold Coast – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission South Coast Event – Easter Surprise
Mummies on a Mission Southern Highlands – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Perth – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Melbourne – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Darwin – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Brisbane – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Sunshine Coast – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Sydney – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission March Wellness Event
Mummies on a Mission March Wellness Event
In March our gorgeous mamas from around the globe got together to have a wellness morning in their local area. We had everything from Pilates together to walking with our babies followed by lunch in the park to our local cafes! It’s a great time to connect as mums and women and have some fun! If you would like to know how you can join our next one in April please reach out to the person who sent you here for more information. We love meeting new people and welcome any guests!
Here are the snapshots taken during that one fine day when mummies had fun during this monthly regular catch-up
Here’s a preview of what happened during that day at the Southern Highlands Wellness Morning. What a lovely day was had, kids swam together for hours in the creek while the mums and dads socialized over some drinks and yummy food!
The Gold Coast mamas meet for a lovely day of Pilates at Shoes Off Pilates followed by lunch at Groundwork Cafe!!
Any excuse is a good excuse to take some time out of our busy lives to connect however, MOAM monthly catch ups certainly make it easy ? It was a beautiful day on the Sunshine Coast to connect with these incredible women ✨ looking forward to seeing you all again next month ♥️
We had so much fun at our Sydney MOAM wellness event ?. Some yoga followed by a delicious lunch and a chance to chat and connect. Love our community so much and can’t wait for the next one. If you’re in Sydney and would like to come to the next one feel free to PM me and I’ll make sure you receive details x
Mummies on a Mission July Dinner & Movie Catch-up Event
Mummies on a Mission: Chicks at the Flicks July Dinner Catch-up
Once again, Mummies on a Mission has reunited, accompanied by a ladies’ movie night and a cozy dinner – just exactly the kind of R&R that our busy mummies are needing.
Here are the snapshots taken during the Mummies on a Mission Mummies Cocktail and Catch-up day
The theme for the month of July is MOVIES. We all need that one day to find time to watch a movie you have been meaning to watch but haven’t had the time! MOAM gives our busy mummies the best excuse to enjoy themselves and catch-up with fellow mummies.
It was a great night brought about by MOAM Social Event through Chicks at the Flicks July Dinner Catch-up. As for our Mummies on a Mission, celebration and fun times accompanied by a bit cocktail while exchanging laugh and fun with the rest of the Mummy Tribe is spectacular! ?
Mummies on a Mission June Cocktail & Catch-up Event
Mummies on a Mission: June Sip & Social Event
Once again, Mummies on a Mission has reunited, accompanied by a sip or two of their favorite cocktails along with kiddies having lots of fun.
Here are the snapshots taken during the Mummies on a Mission Mummies Cocktail and Catch-up day
The theme for the month of June is cocktail. Who won’t agree that cocktail & catch-up with little bubs playing is one of the greatest things to look forward to! This has been fulfilled by the latest MOAM Social Event through a Sip & Social mingle. As for our Mummies on a Mission, celebration and fun times accompanied by a bit cocktail while we welcomed some new Mummies to the Tribe ?
Mummies on a Mission May Mother’s Day Event
Mummies on a Mission: May Event Mummies Day Out
May is a special month for mummas as we celebrate Mother’s Day.
Here are the snapshots taken during the Mummies on a Mission Mummies Cocktail and Catch-up day
May is Mothers’ month. It’s the time of the year when we get to celebrate and love on our mums for being the special people that they are. As for our Mummies on a Mission, celebration and fun times accompanied by a bit cocktail while we welcomed some new Mummies to the Tribe ?
Mummies on a Mission April Easter Family Fun
Back in April, our Mummies on a Mission along with bubs & dads all over the globe once again have gotten together to celebrate Easter in their local areas. It was next level kind of fun playing Easter games, with fun activities! Some even had a chance to see the Easter Bunny! It was a great time to connect as mummas and kids had loads of fun!
Here are the snapshots taken during the Mummies on a Mission April Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Gold Coast REPRESENT!! We had an awesome time with Easter craft, an Egg and Spoon race and an Easter egg hunt in the woods ? Fun times had by all and we welcomed some new Mummies to the Tribe ?
What an Egg-celent day connecting with these wonderful families on the Sunshine Coast ???
North Brisbane Easter Fun Day at Newport Waterside - cute little bunnies ?
Darwin Easter Fun, nothing beats a day of mums and bubs having fun together?
Melbourne Easter family fun at Ruffey Lake Park Doncaster ?
Easter Fun in Blenheim, New Zealand ?

It’s part of our Mission to bring health and wellness to mummies all over the world that is why on our next catch-up this month, we are bringing an easter event that the whole family and everyone can be a part of.
As always, our get togethers are an opportunity for mums who haven’t joined us yet to see what life is like for a Mummy on a Mission.
If you’d like to have some fun and make new friends, we’d love to have you join us! Please check out one of our upcoming events happening all over the world!
The next MOAM Social Event is happening on Saturday/Sunday, 10th/13th/14th/19th of April 2019 to celebrate Easter. Below are the event URLs:
Mummies on a Mission Gold Coast – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission South Coast Event – Easter Surprise
Mummies on a Mission Southern Highlands – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Perth – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Melbourne – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Darwin – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Brisbane – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Sunshine Coast – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Sydney – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission March Wellness Event
Mummies on a Mission March Wellness Event
In March our gorgeous mamas from around the globe got together to have a wellness morning in their local area. We had everything from Pilates together to walking with our babies followed by lunch in the park to our local cafes! It’s a great time to connect as mums and women and have some fun! If you would like to know how you can join our next one in April please reach out to the person who sent you here for more information. We love meeting new people and welcome any guests!
Here are the snapshots taken during that one fine day when mummies had fun during this monthly regular catch-up
Here’s a preview of what happened during that day at the Southern Highlands Wellness Morning. What a lovely day was had, kids swam together for hours in the creek while the mums and dads socialized over some drinks and yummy food!
The Gold Coast mamas meet for a lovely day of Pilates at Shoes Off Pilates followed by lunch at Groundwork Cafe!!
Any excuse is a good excuse to take some time out of our busy lives to connect however, MOAM monthly catch ups certainly make it easy ? It was a beautiful day on the Sunshine Coast to connect with these incredible women ✨ looking forward to seeing you all again next month ♥️
We had so much fun at our Sydney MOAM wellness event ?. Some yoga followed by a delicious lunch and a chance to chat and connect. Love our community so much and can’t wait for the next one. If you’re in Sydney and would like to come to the next one feel free to PM me and I’ll make sure you receive details x
Mummies on a Mission July Dinner & Movie Catch-up Event
Mummies on a Mission: Chicks at the Flicks July Dinner Catch-up
Once again, Mummies on a Mission has reunited, accompanied by a ladies’ movie night and a cozy dinner – just exactly the kind of R&R that our busy mummies are needing.
Here are the snapshots taken during the Mummies on a Mission Mummies Cocktail and Catch-up day
The theme for the month of July is MOVIES. We all need that one day to find time to watch a movie you have been meaning to watch but haven’t had the time! MOAM gives our busy mummies the best excuse to enjoy themselves and catch-up with fellow mummies.
It was a great night brought about by MOAM Social Event through Chicks at the Flicks July Dinner Catch-up. As for our Mummies on a Mission, celebration and fun times accompanied by a bit cocktail while exchanging laugh and fun with the rest of the Mummy Tribe is spectacular! ?
Mummies on a Mission June Cocktail & Catch-up Event
Mummies on a Mission: June Sip & Social Event
Once again, Mummies on a Mission has reunited, accompanied by a sip or two of their favorite cocktails along with kiddies having lots of fun.
Here are the snapshots taken during the Mummies on a Mission Mummies Cocktail and Catch-up day
The theme for the month of June is cocktail. Who won’t agree that cocktail & catch-up with little bubs playing is one of the greatest things to look forward to! This has been fulfilled by the latest MOAM Social Event through a Sip & Social mingle. As for our Mummies on a Mission, celebration and fun times accompanied by a bit cocktail while we welcomed some new Mummies to the Tribe ?
Mummies on a Mission May Mother’s Day Event
Mummies on a Mission: May Event Mummies Day Out
May is a special month for mummas as we celebrate Mother’s Day.
Here are the snapshots taken during the Mummies on a Mission Mummies Cocktail and Catch-up day
May is Mothers’ month. It’s the time of the year when we get to celebrate and love on our mums for being the special people that they are. As for our Mummies on a Mission, celebration and fun times accompanied by a bit cocktail while we welcomed some new Mummies to the Tribe ?
Mummies on a Mission April Easter Family Fun
Back in April, our Mummies on a Mission along with bubs & dads all over the globe once again have gotten together to celebrate Easter in their local areas. It was next level kind of fun playing Easter games, with fun activities! Some even had a chance to see the Easter Bunny! It was a great time to connect as mummas and kids had loads of fun!
Here are the snapshots taken during the Mummies on a Mission April Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Gold Coast REPRESENT!! We had an awesome time with Easter craft, an Egg and Spoon race and an Easter egg hunt in the woods ? Fun times had by all and we welcomed some new Mummies to the Tribe ?
What an Egg-celent day connecting with these wonderful families on the Sunshine Coast ???
North Brisbane Easter Fun Day at Newport Waterside - cute little bunnies ?
Darwin Easter Fun, nothing beats a day of mums and bubs having fun together?
Melbourne Easter family fun at Ruffey Lake Park Doncaster ?
Easter Fun in Blenheim, New Zealand ?

It’s part of our Mission to bring health and wellness to mummies all over the world that is why on our next catch-up this month, we are bringing an easter event that the whole family and everyone can be a part of.
As always, our get togethers are an opportunity for mums who haven’t joined us yet to see what life is like for a Mummy on a Mission.
If you’d like to have some fun and make new friends, we’d love to have you join us! Please check out one of our upcoming events happening all over the world!
The next MOAM Social Event is happening on Saturday/Sunday, 10th/13th/14th/19th of April 2019 to celebrate Easter. Below are the event URLs:
Mummies on a Mission Gold Coast – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission South Coast Event – Easter Surprise
Mummies on a Mission Southern Highlands – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Perth – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Melbourne – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Darwin – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Brisbane – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Sunshine Coast – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Sydney – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission March Wellness Event
Mummies on a Mission March Wellness Event
In March our gorgeous mamas from around the globe got together to have a wellness morning in their local area. We had everything from Pilates together to walking with our babies followed by lunch in the park to our local cafes! It’s a great time to connect as mums and women and have some fun! If you would like to know how you can join our next one in April please reach out to the person who sent you here for more information. We love meeting new people and welcome any guests!
Here are the snapshots taken during that one fine day when mummies had fun during this monthly regular catch-up
Here’s a preview of what happened during that day at the Southern Highlands Wellness Morning. What a lovely day was had, kids swam together for hours in the creek while the mums and dads socialized over some drinks and yummy food!
The Gold Coast mamas meet for a lovely day of Pilates at Shoes Off Pilates followed by lunch at Groundwork Cafe!!
Any excuse is a good excuse to take some time out of our busy lives to connect however, MOAM monthly catch ups certainly make it easy ? It was a beautiful day on the Sunshine Coast to connect with these incredible women ✨ looking forward to seeing you all again next month ♥️
We had so much fun at our Sydney MOAM wellness event ?. Some yoga followed by a delicious lunch and a chance to chat and connect. Love our community so much and can’t wait for the next one. If you’re in Sydney and would like to come to the next one feel free to PM me and I’ll make sure you receive details x
Mummies on a Mission July Dinner & Movie Catch-up Event
Mummies on a Mission: Chicks at the Flicks July Dinner Catch-up
Once again, Mummies on a Mission has reunited, accompanied by a ladies’ movie night and a cozy dinner – just exactly the kind of R&R that our busy mummies are needing.
Here are the snapshots taken during the Mummies on a Mission Mummies Cocktail and Catch-up day
The theme for the month of July is MOVIES. We all need that one day to find time to watch a movie you have been meaning to watch but haven’t had the time! MOAM gives our busy mummies the best excuse to enjoy themselves and catch-up with fellow mummies.
It was a great night brought about by MOAM Social Event through Chicks at the Flicks July Dinner Catch-up. As for our Mummies on a Mission, celebration and fun times accompanied by a bit cocktail while exchanging laugh and fun with the rest of the Mummy Tribe is spectacular! ?
Mummies on a Mission June Cocktail & Catch-up Event
Mummies on a Mission: June Sip & Social Event
Once again, Mummies on a Mission has reunited, accompanied by a sip or two of their favorite cocktails along with kiddies having lots of fun.
Here are the snapshots taken during the Mummies on a Mission Mummies Cocktail and Catch-up day
The theme for the month of June is cocktail. Who won’t agree that cocktail & catch-up with little bubs playing is one of the greatest things to look forward to! This has been fulfilled by the latest MOAM Social Event through a Sip & Social mingle. As for our Mummies on a Mission, celebration and fun times accompanied by a bit cocktail while we welcomed some new Mummies to the Tribe ?
Mummies on a Mission May Mother’s Day Event
Mummies on a Mission: May Event Mummies Day Out
May is a special month for mummas as we celebrate Mother’s Day.
Here are the snapshots taken during the Mummies on a Mission Mummies Cocktail and Catch-up day
May is Mothers’ month. It’s the time of the year when we get to celebrate and love on our mums for being the special people that they are. As for our Mummies on a Mission, celebration and fun times accompanied by a bit cocktail while we welcomed some new Mummies to the Tribe ?
Mummies on a Mission April Easter Family Fun
Back in April, our Mummies on a Mission along with bubs & dads all over the globe once again have gotten together to celebrate Easter in their local areas. It was next level kind of fun playing Easter games, with fun activities! Some even had a chance to see the Easter Bunny! It was a great time to connect as mummas and kids had loads of fun!
Here are the snapshots taken during the Mummies on a Mission April Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Gold Coast REPRESENT!! We had an awesome time with Easter craft, an Egg and Spoon race and an Easter egg hunt in the woods ? Fun times had by all and we welcomed some new Mummies to the Tribe ?
What an Egg-celent day connecting with these wonderful families on the Sunshine Coast ???
North Brisbane Easter Fun Day at Newport Waterside - cute little bunnies ?
Darwin Easter Fun, nothing beats a day of mums and bubs having fun together?
Melbourne Easter family fun at Ruffey Lake Park Doncaster ?
Easter Fun in Blenheim, New Zealand ?

It’s part of our Mission to bring health and wellness to mummies all over the world that is why on our next catch-up this month, we are bringing an easter event that the whole family and everyone can be a part of.
As always, our get togethers are an opportunity for mums who haven’t joined us yet to see what life is like for a Mummy on a Mission.
If you’d like to have some fun and make new friends, we’d love to have you join us! Please check out one of our upcoming events happening all over the world!
The next MOAM Social Event is happening on Saturday/Sunday, 10th/13th/14th/19th of April 2019 to celebrate Easter. Below are the event URLs:
Mummies on a Mission Gold Coast – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission South Coast Event – Easter Surprise
Mummies on a Mission Southern Highlands – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Perth – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Melbourne – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Darwin – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Brisbane – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Sunshine Coast – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission Sydney – Easter Family Fun
Mummies on a Mission March Wellness Event
Mummies on a Mission March Wellness Event
In March our gorgeous mamas from around the globe got together to have a wellness morning in their local area. We had everything from Pilates together to walking with our babies followed by lunch in the park to our local cafes! It’s a great time to connect as mums and women and have some fun! If you would like to know how you can join our next one in April please reach out to the person who sent you here for more information. We love meeting new people and welcome any guests!
Here are the snapshots taken during that one fine day when mummies had fun during this monthly regular catch-up
Here’s a preview of what happened during that day at the Southern Highlands Wellness Morning. What a lovely day was had, kids swam together for hours in the creek while the mums and dads socialized over some drinks and yummy food!
The Gold Coast mamas meet for a lovely day of Pilates at Shoes Off Pilates followed by lunch at Groundwork Cafe!!
Any excuse is a good excuse to take some time out of our busy lives to connect however, MOAM monthly catch ups certainly make it easy ? It was a beautiful day on the Sunshine Coast to connect with these incredible women ✨ looking forward to seeing you all again next month ♥️
We had so much fun at our Sydney MOAM wellness event ?. Some yoga followed by a delicious lunch and a chance to chat and connect. Love our community so much and can’t wait for the next one. If you’re in Sydney and would like to come to the next one feel free to PM me and I’ll make sure you receive details x
Melbourne Mummies meet for a meditation session in Alexander Gardens with Zenergy Meditation.
Darwin Mummies meet for a meditation session JFit with Tanya Orange. Some photos are pre-workout. You can see Tanya from OJFit explaining the easier option if you have a sore back. Our HIIT workout - a fast 20 minutes before the sun combines with the humidity. It was so fun the kids got into it too! We finished over to Eva's Cafe for a well deserved coffee and refreshment.
Mummies of Melbourne on a mission to work out with the kids. We worked up a sweat, had so many laughs and enjoyed some tasty whole foods treats after - what a perfect day to spend a sunny morning ??☀️
It’s part of our Mission to bring health and wellness to mummies all over the world that is why on our next catch-up this month, we are bringing a wellness event that everyone can be a part of.
As always, our get togethers are an opportunity for mums who haven’t joined us yet to see what life is like for a Mummy on a Mission.
If you’d like to have some fun and make new friends, we’d love to have you join us! Please check out one of our upcoming events happening all over the world!
The next MOAM Social Wellness Event is happening on Friday/Saturday, 15th/16th of March 2019. Below are the event URLs:
Stretch & Tone with Shoes off Pilates Wellness Event – Gold Coast
Sweat it & Zen it Wellness Morning – South Coast
Yoga on the Lawn Wellness Morning – South Highlands NSW
Body and Soul Wellness Morning – Perth
Let’s Get Physical! Wellness Morning – South Melbourne
Wake up your energy & calm your mind with Zenergy Meditation – Melbourne East
JFit Wellness Morning – Darwin
Wellness Walk and Coffee – Brisbane
Wellness Walk and Coffee – Sunshine Coast
Forest Walk Wellness Morning – South West
- Stretch & Tone - Gold Coast
- Sweat it & Zen it - South Coast
- Yoga on the Lawn - South Highlands
- Body & Soul Wellness - Perth
- Let's Get Physical! - South Melbourne
- Wake up your energy & calm your mind with Zenergy Meditation - Melbourne East
- JFit Wellness Morning - Darwin
- Wellness Walk - Brisbane
- Wellness Walk & Coffee - Sunshine Coast
- Forest Walk - South West
- Yoga in the Park - Sydney
- Family Skate - Calgary
Followed by coffee/lunch 12pm at Groundwork cafe 9/5-7 Lavelle St, Nerang
with Pilates teacher Kimberley Juster
BYO towel & mat
Saturday 16th March 9am
Killalea ‘The Farm’ National Park
Bring water bottle, towel and mat

Yoga on the Lawn Wellness Morning – South Highlands NSW
Followed by juice and catch up at the Hospital Shop cafe… Saturday morning 10am, 16th
Body and Soul Wellness Morning
Saturday 16th March 2019, 9:30 AM
South Perth foreshore, near Coode St car park (close to playground – look for the green balloons)
Come and flow with us in our group yoga session on the banks of the swan river – with Amanda Howell from Body Heart Wellness, followed by some helpful tips from Nutritional Therapy Practitioner – Jess Wilson from Paradigm Shift Nutrition.
Entry is FREE but we would like to ask if you could please donate $10 towards our nominated charity STARICK – Domestic Violence Support for Women and Children

Let’s Get Physical! Wellness Morning – South Melbourne
In the spirit of inspiring healthy living and bringing mums together we are super excited to invite you to our Wellness Morning on Friday 15 March.
Linda Coleman, Ms Fitness Australia, ANB Pro Athlete and UFE Pro Bikini Model is going to going heart pumping with a work out that is suitable for all fitness levels.
We’ll work out, have some fun an nibble on some wholesome treats.
Bring the kids, we’ll get them moving too!!
RSVP essential

Wake up your energy & calm your mind with Zenergy Meditation – Melbourne East
Wake up your energy & calm your mind with Zenergy Meditation
Created by Jo Atanasow – Founder of Mama Wake Up and Zenergy_life
Alexandra gardens 3 boathouse drive Melbourne
March 16, 2019
11:00 am for Melbourne East
$12 per adult
JFit Wellness Morning – Darwin
Meeting at Eva
Eva’s Cafe @ 8am for a 8:15am start, then coffee afterwards.
Bring water bottle and towel.
JFit with Tanya Orange

Join us for a wellness walk and coffee
Friday 15th March 9.45am
Meet near playground at Alex Surf Club at 9.30am

9.30am Friday 15th March
Rotary Park – Margaret River
Meet at the 10 mile brook track for a forest walk.
Bring the kids prams, bike or dog!

11am Saturday 16th of March
People need to bring their own mat and $10 for the yoga session.
Ania Mylka will be doing the yoga.

Bowness Park Lagoon
March 16th @ 10:30am
8900 48 Ave NW
Mummies on a Mission Family Picnic/BBQ/Catch-up
It’s part of our Mission to bring more joy to families, to reunite one another and help lift up each other through a regular catch-up. So it was wonderful to see so many smiling faces at our latest Mummies on a Mission picnic. This one was at the beautiful Heritage Rivermill on the Gold Coast.
With the rainforest all around us, and serenaded by lorikeets, our mums and their families were able to see old friends, and make new ones. There’s nothing better than watching your kids play while you relax with some delicious food and great conversation.
We also had some new faces along! As always, our get togethers are an opportunity for mums who haven’t joined us yet to see what life is like for a Mummy on a Mission.
If you’d like to have some fun and make new friends, we’d love to have you join us! Please check out one of our upcoming events happening all over the world!
Here are the snapshots taken during that one fine day when mummies had fun during this monthly regular catch-up
Here’s a preview of what happened during that day at the Gold Coast Mummies on a Mission Family Picnic at Murlong Park Palm Beach. What a lovely day was had, kids swam together for hours in the creek while the mums and dads socialized over some drinks and yummy food!
Here’s a preview of what happened during that day at the Perth Mummies on a Mission Family Picnic at the Bicton Quarantine Park, Braunton Street, Bicton.
Here’s a preview of what happened during that day at the Melbourne Mummies on a Mission Family Picnic at the Ruffey Lake Park 99 Victoria St, Templestowe.
Here’s a preview of what happened during that day at the Darwin Mummies on a Mission Family Catch-up at the Tracy Village Sports and Social Club.
Here’s a preview of what happened during that day at the Brisbane Mummies on a Mission Family Catch-up at the Sandgate Fishmongers.
- Family Picnic - Gold Coast
- Picnic Brekky - South Coast
- Family BBQ - Sunshine Coast
- Family Picnic - South Highlands NSW
- Family Picnic - Perth
- Family Picnic - Melbourne
- Family Catch-up - Darwin
- Family Catch-up - Brisbane
- Family Catch-up - Margaret River

It is a BYO picnic so please remember your picnic rug, food and drinks. Kids may want to have a swim in the creek so bring swimmers and towels. We look forward to seeing you there!Past

Family Picnic – South Highlands NSW
Bicton Quarantine Park,
Braunton Street, Bicton
Come along with your partners and kids for a family picnic at the Bicton Quarantine Park in Perth. This is a great time to connect with each other and have some fun.

Ruffey Lake Park 99 Victoria St, Templestowe

Tracy Village Social and Sports Club 28 Tambling Terrace, Lyons, Darwin, Northern Territory 0810
Come along with your partners and kids for a family catch-up at Tracy Village Sports and Social Club in Darwin. This is a great time to connect with each other and have some fun.

90 Flinders Parade,, Sandgate, Queensland, Australia 4017

Come along with your partners and kids for a family catch-up at Riffle butts Park, Prevelly beach in Margaret River. This is a great time to connect with each other and have some fun. It is a BYO catch-up so please remember your bbq stuff and drinks. We look forward to seeing you there!
Our first Mummies on a Mission Family picnic/BBQ/catch-up happened on Sunday, 10th of February 2019.
Mummies on a Mission Social Events
Our growing community loves to catch-up up regularly and have fun together. We have a regular catch-up happening once a month. It’s part of our Mission to bring more joy to families.
As always, our get togethers are an opportunity for mums who haven’t joined us yet to see what life is like for a Mummy on a Mission.

Mummies on a Mission Picnic: Heritage Rivermill in Mount Nathan
It’s part of our Mission to bring more joy to families, to reunite one another and help lift up each other through a regular catch-up. so it was wonderful to see so many smiling faces at our latest Mummies on a Mission picnic. This one was at the beautiful Heritage Rivermill on the Gold Coast.
With the rainforest all around us, and serenaded by lorikeets, our mums and their families were able to see old friends, and make new ones. There’s nothing better than watching your kids play while you relax with some delicious food and great conversation.
We also had some new faces along! As always, our get togethers are an opportunity for mums who haven’t joined us yet to see what life is like for a Mummy on a Mission.
If you’d like to have some fun and make new friends, we’d love to have you join us! Please check out one of our upcoming events happening all over the world!
Our next event, the Mummies on a Mission Wellness Event is happening on Friday/Saturday, 15th-16th of March 2019.
Looking for a change?
Forget struggling 9-5. Forget shift work.
Mummies on a Mission is about empowering Mums to enhance their family’s health while doing Mummy Care instead of Day Care.
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