
Natasha Galea
Article Contributor
A couple of years ago I lost everything. My family of five had to move in with my parents, who are in their 70’s. I thought it was going to be for a month but ended up being for a year. During this time Mummies on a Mission came into my life and gave me a glimmer of hope, of what if, what if this could be the answer to my problems? Fast forward 17 months and that’s exactly what it has been for me and my family! Mummies on a Mission has given me control of my finances, some amazing friendships, and helped me find myself again. What I truly loves is being able to help others and open their eyes to the possibility of what this can be.

karlina knowles
Article Contributor
Life as a mum of four is busy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve been a stay at home mum for 15yrs, and this is my most important role. When our traditional business in mining collapsed, my partner had to move to the other side of the country for work. I was also forced to start looking for a 9-5 job, which would mean missing out on all those precious moments with my children, while they went to before and after school care. This terrified me. But, thanks to Mummies on a Mission, I never had to take one of those jobs. Instead, I’m still a stay at home mum, I don’t have to sacrifice time for money, and I have rediscovered myself outside of that mum role. I now love empowering other mums to become the best version of themselves, whilst creating time and financial freedom.

belinda sawden
Article Contributor
I’m a wife and mum to two beautiful girls aged four and seven. I started my professional life working with disadvantaged youth and then stepped sideways to help in our traditional family business. But, I was looking for a better way to get ahead, have loads of fun, and contribute meaningfully. I love that now, with Mummies on a Mission I am able to outrageously celebrate beautiful mums who are making a real difference in the world, while creating incredible things for themselves and their families.

pauline hatch
Article Contributor
I accidentally discovered a love of ‘food as medicine’ when my first little one was born (born highly food-fussy, I might add!). After going through a health challenge that robbed me of my joy for many years, I’m now passionate about helping mums reignite their energy, find their purpose and feel incredible in their skin. I believe the one of the best legacies we can leave our little tribe is a love of good foods, and the knowledge of natural health and healing. I’m now a work-from-home mum of three and have been a freelance writer, blogger and journalist for many years. It’s a dream come true to tie my two passions together through Mummies on a Mission.

Ellen hardy
Article Contributor
Hi my name is Ellen and I am a stay at home mum of three ridiculously beautiful kids – two boys and a baby girl. Mummies on a Mission changed my life. When Samuel was only four months old, my husband was working two traditional jobs and we were just making ends meet. I didn’t want to go back to work but I didn’t have much self belief – thankfully Mummies on a Mission changed all of that for me. I am now so passionate about helping other mums realise how incredibly awesome they are, sharing the importance of being in the moment with our babies, and making sure we are living this life the way God intended for us – with purpose, and a whole lotta fun.

Vanessa Brown
Article Contributor
I am the mum of two young boys and was previously a full-time primary school teacher. However, I always struggled to find the balance between full-time work and being a mum. I hated missing out on so much time with my son. Then, after having my second child, my two boys were diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular dystrophy, a deteriorating muscle disease that currently has no cure. This completely changed my life. I decided I couldn’t miss out on any more precious time with my kids. Now, as a Mummy on a Mission, I am able to prioritise my family without impacting my ability to contribute to our finances and I love helping other mums to do the same.

Article Contributor
I am a mom of two beautiful boys, a wife to an incredible man, and was previously a primary school teacher. I had a difficult time when my oldest son started school as teaching, although rewarding, is not a very flexible profession. I couldn’t just leave work to go to my son’s school performances and class parties and was struggling with trying to find a balance. Then I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer and it completely turned our world upside down. I very quickly realized that being away from my two boys was not what I wanted. Then I was introduced to Mummies on a MIssion. Now I can have a career while still being able to go to school performances, field trips, and have a date day every Wednesday with my youngest where we go to gymnastics, out for lunch, and ice skating! I contribute to our household expenses and I get to still get help and teach others, by showing them how to do the same!

Sarah Connor
Article Contributor
I’m a FIFO wife and mother to three feisty little girls. Seven years ago I happily gave up my corporate role to raise my babies. I’d never loved my career, loathed it actually, and I’d always dreamt of the day I could give it up to become a stay at home mum. But after having my third baby I felt more lost than ever. My confidence was at an all time low and while I was busy in the role of mum, I realised I was really bored! Getting a traditional ‘job’ just wasn’t an option – I knew without a doubt that I wanted to create financial independence while still being there for my children full-time. Fast forward a year and I’m so grateful I went outside of my comfort zone and said yes to Mummies on a Mission. This business rewards me financially, but finding my confidence and purpose while helping other mamas do the same is by far the biggest reward of all!

Article Contributor
I’m a mum of five (still getting used to the fact that it’s five) children, three girls 18, 16 and 9 and twin two year old boys. I am am super excited to be able to share my journey with you all through this site. I started my health journey when my two youngest daughters were diagnosed with Tourette’s and I began a search for an alternative treatment (which we have managed to do successfully). I am continually amazed at the differences you can make to your life by choosing the right foods and by spending time on personal development. Through our Mission I am looking forward to seeing so many people, including myself, be able to reach their full potential in a happy, healthy environment.

kristen ellis
Article Contributor
My name is Kristen, and I’m a solo mum to two beautiful little boys. Mummies on a Mission has changed my life for the better. It has allowed me to be there for all of my boys’ most important moments, like school performances and sports days, as well as simply being able to spend time together before and after school each day (instead of having to put them into before and after school care in order to rush off to work!). This is something that I never thought would be possible as a single mum. Through Mummies on a Mission, I’ve truly found my passion and purpose and I am incredibly grateful to be a part of this amazing community.
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