No Excuses


Here in Canada the weather is a common topic of conversation. Especially where I live in the middle of the prairies, the weather can vary between +40 C and -40 C depending on the time of year. I used to be a fair-weather girl. I’ve always loved being outside, but I preferred to stay inside if it was raining (or if it was too cold out). We have long cold winters here, so that meant I didn’t spend much time outside from about October until April. Now I am committed to getting out for a walk almost everyday rain or shine (or snow), AND I actually enjoy it (even on the not-so-nice days)!

When my daughter was young, she would often ask to go out to play in the rain. I couldn’t understand why anyone would want to go outside in that kind of weather! She was a persistent toddler, so one day I gave in. We put on our rain gear, and we went outside to splash in the puddles. Guess what? We had a great time! My eyes were opened!!! I still cringe when I wake up to see a rainy day, but now I force myself to get outside, and I’m always glad that I did. I have walked in knee-deep snow with howling winds and -40 C temperatures with a smile on my face. I just dress for the weather and choose to enjoy my time outside.

We can’t control the weather, so we might as well accept the situation and make the best of it! Resisting reality only creates another layer of suffering to our existence. As much as I prefer a warm sunny day, I try to live by the motto that “my favourite weather is the weather we have today”. I also remind myself of a quote by Ranulph Fiennes: “There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing”.

Disclaimer: Extreme weather can be dangerous. Use your judgement when deciding to go outside in a storm. Electrical storms, high winds, and extreme cold can be dangerous.

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